Through the Product Assurance System (PAS) and our affiliates, we're expanding to offer Intellectual Property (IP) related programs demonstrating the strengths and advantages of investing in professionally grown seed.
Intellectual property applies to soft red winter wheat germplasm, similar to many other agriculture inputs such as corn and soybean seed. Despite the various methods of intellectual property protection, including utility patents, plant variety protection (PVP) and UPOV accreditation, the value created in the market is not equally distributed.
Without Intellectual Property Protection Awareness, farmers, seed growers and developers are estimated to lose 30% annually of the value due to unauthorized propagation and redistribution.
The Product Assurance System, Grow Pro Genetics and its affiliates will be demonstrating the strengths and advantages of investing in professionally grown seed with IP related programing.
We look forward to highlighting the value created in this market with some of the promising technology, organization, and people committed to long-term seed value and trade.