The objective of PAS will leverage the strengths of our production partners and research team. The improved field production system will increase options for our network of exceptional seed growers to deliver high quality seed to retailers and farmers across the country. PAS will also make way for our pre-commercial pipeline to focus on releasing more new varieties each season.
The Product Assurance System (PAS) will rely on existing protocols for field inspection and quality but not mandate blue tag certification. Instead, new release products will require adherence to Grow Pro Genetics Product Assurance System. Beginning in 2023 products will be maintained by individual growers for seedstock, wholesale and retail demand. An outlined protocol will be provided to field inspectors with more details.
The PAS standard will be based on the Association of Official Seed Certification Agencies (AOSCA) Quality Assurance (QA) inspection protocols. This minimum standard will be the base line for purity and is similar to existing regulations for blue tag certification. Seed growers will need to allocate acres annually for use as parent seed to be inspected and labeled at higher classifications.
We encourage communication with your local crop improvement agencies and seed inspection service providers to make them aware of the PAS program.
PAS will be effective beginning with the current 2022/23 crop. Current seed planted will be eligible for PAS and should be considered for enrollment.
Which products?
All varieties released since 2020 will qualify for PAS. This includes products with GP designation but not products with previous “SY” designation. SY products will continue adherence to state certification protocol for inspection and labeling. New products released will continue to be provided exclusively from the Grow Pro Genetics breeding program.